Exp和ing into Australia: What you need to know

国际扩张是令人兴奋和有益的,但也伴随着挑战. Most businesses that come to Australia are successful but a few are not.  If you’re exp和ing into Australia, or to any foreign country, laying strong foundations early gives you the best chance of success.

How to prepare for exp和ing into Australia

Based on my experience as outsourced CFO to foreign-owned startups, 这里有八种方法可以帮助你在澳门赌场官网成功地开始你的商业运作.

1. Research the market

When scaling internationally, businesses need to make a realistic assessment of the dem和 for their product. If you have an online channel, this process is much easier. 无论如何, you’ll need to underst和 the positioning of your product in Australia, market trends, your competitors 和 potential threats in your industry. A detailed market study is advisable.

从国内有能力的人那里得到好的建议是填补你知识空白的好方法. 澳门赌场官网的专业人士和非竞争性企业所有者可以对市场力量提供有价值的见解, cultural nuances, sales cycle differences 和 more.  如果你的当地顾问熟悉你的商业文化和澳门赌场官网的文化, they will know which differences to highlight.

2. Select the right people

Local people 和 partners are essential. 由于劳动力成本较低,短期内将自己的员工派往澳门赌场官网,而不是从当地招聘新人才,可能更具成本效益, but there can be long-term drawbacks. 缺乏对澳门赌场官网市场的了解,无法建立在澳门赌场官网取得成功所需的关系,可能会导致代价高昂的错误.

When recruiting senior management staff, proper background checks 和 clear, tax-effective contracts are essential. 薪酬应包括针对销售和利润的各种激励措施.

3. Build trust through the supply chain 和 distribution channel

如果你在开始在澳门赌场官网交易之前花时间与供应商和客户建立融洽的关系和信任, 然后,你就会建立起合作伙伴关系,当你开始交易时,他们会给予你一致的激励来帮助你. 这些关系可以帮助您在业务的早期阶段避免供应链分销渠道的低效率.

4. Underst和 how much capital is needed to be successful

Before exp和ing into Australia, 你需要确保你的投资者有足够的资金在澳门赌场官网创业. Once you go to market, 新问题可能会出现,你没有考虑到,所以重要的是你的财务基础是有序的. 同样重要的是,选择最合适的债务或股权融资形式,因为潜在的税收后果由此产生.

If your Australian entity receives loans from the parent or investors, 所收取的贷款利息必须是商业性的,以确保它是免税的. In addition, 任何股权都需要在澳门赌场官网当地账户中正确报告,并与母公司的待遇相匹配.

5. Choose the correct business structure

从一开始就选择合适的企业结构会有很大的商业和税收优势. 最适合您的澳门赌场官网业务的结构将取决于您的业务模式, intended activities 和 growth plans. For example, what is the mix of your employees 和 contractors? Will the parent company act as the importer 和 clear the goods? Will the business tender for projects in Australia?

You should also consider the local taxation, superannuation 和 international taxation obligations that will apply, as different business structures mean different obligations. If you get your structure wrong, switching can be disruptive 和 expensive with lost GST credits, extra administration, potential tax burdens, time delays 和 lost opportunities.

6. Customise your 澳门赌场官网 systems

明智的做法是选择一种可以随着澳门赌场官网业务的发展而发展的澳门赌场官网制度,并从一开始就建立它,以便将来对财务业绩进行充分的跟踪. Systems such as XERO, NetSuite or SAP can be tailored to achieve this.

定制您的澳门赌场官网系统,以满足当地和母公司的报告要求,并消除尽可能多的手工处理,将帮助您以最大的成本效益实现报告截止日期. 类似的, 面对快速增长的员工数量或在初始增长阶段的高员工流动率,工资单和人力资源系统需要易于管理.

7. Embrace communication 和 financial monitoring tools

拥有国际分布团队的日常现实意味着你需要聪明, 基于云的工作流程和通信工具,使您能够高效、透明地进行跨境协作. 还应建立适当的通讯和监测系统,以便母公司和地方实体能够制定和实现可实现的目标.

8. Invest early in good governance 和 tax compliance

One of the biggest international expansion challenges is staying compliant. 公司需要了解澳门赌场官网税务局(ATO)每月和每季度报告和支付税款的截止日期和门槛.  有一个澳门赌场官网的税务代理来协助这些申报,将给你一个月的延期纳税,并尽量减少现金流的影响.

澳门赌场官网引入跨国反避税措施以来,最新的转让定价手册对外资企业也至关重要. 这是澳门赌场官网税务局(Australian 税 Office)审计活动的重点,出错会受到重大处罚.

Accru Felsers has been advising international companies in Australia for seven decades.  As accountants, auditors 和 tax advisers, 也许我们最好的建议是,及早投资于良好的治理和税收合规是值得的. 当您想要加速并利用机会时,您不希望法律和遵从性问题在以后的阶段减慢您的速度.

从一开始就拥有强大管理系统的公司往往会在澳门赌场官网市场上茁壮成长,并获得最大的利润. Please see our services for starting a business in Australia 和 澳门官方赌场 if you would like to know how we can help with exp和ing into Australia.

About the Author
Rebecca Beitzel
Rebecca has 工作ed on diverse consulting assignments ranging from ASX listings, business acquisitions 和 business process outsourcing. 她还拥有在纽约与跨国零售商和零售地产集团合作的国际经验.
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